Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Inhuman - Working Condition- A chair is missing.

The time when there were no malls, only big to small shops prevailed. It used to have one or more shopkeepers whose work includes to look after the whole shop, customer and giving customer services such as returns, refunds, and other services. It worked like a reputed workplace, shopkeepers had some rights, powers, and respect. With time malls became very common and essential for shopping in big and small towns across the world. But in earlier days the shopkeepers used to have a proper place for them to sit and sell. They did not have to stand the whole day and do the job. In bigger shops there use to be shifts in working hours. And these shops used to take lunch breaks in between and everyone used to get time to go out and take a break. This made their work very comfortable; they liked to work even under pressure they had one thing for sure a place to sit and relieve the tiredness.  

The main issue in the present world is that these people whom we consider labor, who work for betterment of the humanity and take pride in doing all the lower work are suffering at the hands of powerful people. People who control the economy are least concerned about what their labor force is going through. The concern for this blog is the pain that these people who work in stores, malls, and other places are facing. They are working full time whole day standing. This is a kind of cruelty that is been done for decades without any solution.

They are not strong enough to even raise their voices for their concerns. They are more scared of losing their job if they try to question their rights. The advantage is taken by the big mall owners, they are profiting on cost and labor working hours. Every worker, salesperson, and assistant works 8 to 9 hours a day without a chair. They are not allowed to sit and rest. They have to work standing. Even the old (aged) watchman and gatekeepers are not given chairs at the gate. They are ridiculed, not given basic human rights to sit while working, and made to feel like servants in the malls and shopping centers. It not their job to serve while being standing for the whole day and listen to customers comment.

I have written emails regarding this issue long back and kept pursuing the management to take action on it. But I see no change till now. Nothing is changing and no one is caring about it. The whole management seems to ignore this topic all at once. They are working in complete comfort from their home and office so they have no problem. Big companies like Spenser, Zudio, Reliance Mart, Pantaloon, D-Mart and many more are the culprit and bringing down the working standards.

Someone needs to stand against this inhuman practice and break the glass so that others can be protected. Why no one is concerned, why does no one see their pain and help them? It's time to be a little more kind to others, lessons learned in the school in moral science need to be used now to make a profound change in the working culture. This will indirectly help the upper management of the companies to open more portals of comfort working for all employees.

Things that needs to be added are segment shifts, work scheduled, adequate amount of breaks, chairs for everyone working there, rest room, proper formal treatment, timely training, feedback grievance portal, and a stress-free environment. These things need to be added to the malls, shopping centres and Marts. This is needed for all top-to-down management from labor to assistant. May someone one gather the courage to raise their voice against any inhuman working environment.

This is a very small concern compared to other big environmental damages that these big multinational organisations are doing. One by one correct step will lead to an ethical working environment for all. May as a human we start to think and come out  of our mobiles and see the world not from eye but from heart so that we feel what others feeling.


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