Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Pyaar Ya Paisa (Love or Money)


This is the most common stupid question we have came across in life since teenage. There are several quotes saying Money can buy you happiness, but love brings peace. This is the most asked question by human to decide should they live for love or money. Both are important to have a happy life. But no one understands how much love and how much money is important. It’s evident that people have seen problems in life even after having millions of money. Also, to be noted that people choosing love or luxury have suffered in keeping a sustainable life.

Lets understand why some people have more affinity towards money than towards emotion like love. The major reason that can be summed is from the fact that they have seen the real life struggles, they have bigger ambitions that needs a lot of money to uphold their dreams. Some consider money to be their most important thing is because they have never been content in what they get. To be always in the most stable situation, to be more controlling in life and to have the most bold impression on everyone around can be the basis reason for considering money over everything else.

For some money is even bigger than God, and that’s a fact. Some human are so much convinced that they believe whatever they want can be bought by money. They hold the flag to make others believe that luxury, happiness, vacations, gifts and lavishness is all that can make them feel complete. They are so much dazzled by the prize brought by the wealth that only thing matters is how to become even more wealthier.  To be wealthier they forget the lessons learnt in life, they uphold no morality, no wisdom, no kindness and no love for anyone but themselves.

We have great examples of this, Wealth is equivalent to power in the world, wealth can bring power to the person and that is very evident if we look at the events of the history. America is one of the wealthiest countries and they are the most powerful countries as well. Zimababe is a poor country and the power that it hold in the world is negligible. This is pretty evident by the fact that power is the byproduct of wealth.

A wealthy person works even harder to keep the wealth stable or growing every year. They are so concerned with their size of wealth that everything else is secondary. This can be easily identified as human nature called, greed. Power is not the only byproduct of wealth. The other minute but very much prominent byproduct of wealth in a human are greed, cowardice, selfishness, self centeredness, empathy less. These are some major emotional changes that have been seen in people who believe only in money. Money and buy you not just happiness, but the whole world, said example is Elon Musk. But Money can never by you peace and love a practical example is Hitler.  The biggest tycoons are both divided into two different categories, the one who have morality and the other without morality. With power comes the responsibility to not only make yourself bigger but to build everyone.

Lets now count on love and affection and other part of the question.

“Tujhe itna pyaar karu ki mae tu hojao”, means, I love you so much that I become you, is a form of intense love. Defining love is little difficult, as love has many forms. The common thing in all forms of love is that it takes birth in heart as the truest form of affection. Love is associated with emotional segment of the brain that is associated with internal satisfaction and happiness. We have experienced love in the many forms from our parents, friends and teacher’s. This is a bond that remains with us until our life. Purest form of love builds us whereas, too much of love can destroy us  too, anything of too much can lead to decay. Thus, an appropriate amount of love is enough to build a strong person.

It’s a very important factor of life, its absences always makes one feel incomplete. The life is never complete without the affection of someone. How can one imagine living happily if that person has always been hated by everyone? No amount of money can fill the void and sadness created by the absence of love. That’s the power of something called love. When the world comes to existence for a small child, the first thing that it is introduced to is the warmness of its mother. While we are growing up we look for the same comfort, someone who loves us cares for us just like our mother. Only the one who has been devoid of this comfort knows the pain of rejection and separation. Except the love of parents that infinite everything else is temporary and finite.

It has been accepted that nothing in the whole world can be more precious than being adorned and being loved. The most happiest person are those who find the truest form of love in someone and have the luck to get that in their life. The only dream a true lover will have is the welfare and happiness of the other. All these but they ask nothing in return. If you ask something in return for the love you give then it’s just a good business. And someone who is doing business is definitely not in love but looking for their profit and loss in the other person. Love sprouting from heart should be due to their partners personality and their behavior towards them otherwise it’s short lived materialistic form of love. Thus the saying, "Doesn’t judge what you see, that may be a drama put up to impress you, judge by getting involved and feeling it". Its said a true love is the most rarest of the rare chances for anyone, its unique, beautiful and satisfactory. Love and honesty is considered as the most expensive thing, everyone cant afford it. We have seen some friendships and relationships to last forever and that is because they have truly cared for each other.

But the question is not about just living life, its about making choices so that we are living our dream life. What all play an important role in building what we dream is more important that just being in comfort. At one point of life we might leave everything that we loved just to achieve what we dream. So yes, ahead of love and comfort comes our dream. Nothing is as important as a dream. So, everyone is at one point of life is definitely confused about what to choose, should we do what we love or we do what we dream. Someone has truly said right that dream what you love, and love what you dream. But that is sometimes not possible due to the circumstance in life. With time and ages we have learned, that love may be precious but not as important as dream.

Everyone is born with their fate in hand, but the one who dreams and dares to change is the hero of their life. If you get a chance be confident enough to leave one for the other. But yes, do remember god has made it very evident by examples in history, you either get one only. No matter what you do if you choose money over love, you will never get true love ever in life. This is a very visible fact, love vanishes for ever if you ever rejected it. Money can come even after love, but if you reject love, it’s tough to get that back. Renowned Sufi saints have written verses to describe, what love looks like. No one can understand it’s depth unless one is all into it. Also, the beauty of money is beyond praises, a powerful man can be helpful to many. They may buy something like love that would look a lot like love. In god’s eye the one who achieves any of these in their most honest and purest form is the winner. Finally, to conclude It would be wise to weigh the needs and situations accordingly. Go with heart because all our life we are working hard to make our self happy and satisfied from the bottom of our heart.

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